Tea Team Q&A with Rachel

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We would love to introduce you to our very own Rachel!

Rachel, How long have you been working with Leaf Logic?

“Hi, I’m Rachel, and I’ve been working at Leaf Logic since May of 2019.”

What are your favorite things to do here at Leaf Logic?

“My favorite thing to do at work is to take pictures and edit them. I really love doing all of the social media and writing these blog posts! I have loved every moment, and I am so thankful I get to do what I am passionate about for a job!“

What is your favorite Leaf Logic Blend?

white jasmine loose leaf tea organic vegan

“My favorite blend would have to be White Jasmine because it is such a soft, soothing blend that makes every bit of stress melt away! ”

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

“I enjoy go to watch baseball games, read, or listen to music. I also love photography, which is my passion! I absolutely love taking photos of this beautiful earth and things in it!”

We love having Rachel here at Leaf Logic and we are so happy to introduce her to you. Since its Rachel’s day, we would love to give you 30% off of her favorite blend, White Jasmine!

White Jasmine
from $10.98

Artisan Loose Leaf Green & White Tea (Contains Caffeine) – Organic

Green tea scented with jasmine blossoms for serene warmth with smooth and floral notes. 

amber refillable jars and human